From FinTrailO, our boxes were sent to Lithuania where Andruis Jovaiša started preparing them for the Falco Cup event. Andrius did the whole preparation by himself only with the help of manuals and a few questions by mail.
As in Finland, all the chips that successfully passed the Clear/Check procedure worked well throughout the whole race. Almost all the boxes worked well again. We encountered only one problem with a box at control 2 which stopped working during the race. After switching it off and on, it started working again and worked until the end of the race.
The readout procedure on a tablet was successful as well.
Before sending data to the server it has to be merged. Due to a bug in the ANT application, this succeeded only in a second attempt. The bug is fixed in the last version of ANT, however, in the final model of result processing this step will not be needed.
The conclusion of the testing was the same as in Finland: the system works well, but better support for processing the results needs to be done.